Source code for b4msa.classifier

# Copyright 2016 Ranyart R. Suarez ( and Mario Graff (
# with collaborations of Eric S. Tellez

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
# from b4msa.textmodel import TextModel
import numpy as np
from microtc.utils import read_data_labels, read_data, tweet_iterator
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold
from b4msa.textmodel import TextModel
from multiprocessing import Pool
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix

[docs]class SVC(object): """Classifier :param model: TextModel :type model: class Usage: >>> from b4msa.textmodel import TextModel >>> from b4msa.classifier import SVC >>> corpus = ['buenos dias', 'catedras conacyt', 'categorizacion de texto ingeotec'] >>> textmodel = TextModel(corpus) >>> svc = SVC(textmodel) >>> _ =[textmodel[x] for x in corpus], [1, 0, 0]) >>> svc.predict_text('hola') 0 """ def __init__(self, model, **kwargs): self.svc = LinearSVC(**kwargs) self.model = model @property def num_terms(self): """Dimension which is the number of terms of the corpus :rtype: int """ try: return self._num_terms except AttributeError: self._num_terms = None return None
[docs] def tonp(self, X): """Sparse representation to sparce matrix :param X: Sparse representation of matrix :type X: list :rtype: csr_matrix """ data = [] row = [] col = [] for r, x in enumerate(X): cc = [_[0] for _ in x if np.isfinite(_[1]) and (self.num_terms is None or _[0] < self.num_terms)] col += cc data += [_[1] for _ in x if np.isfinite(_[1]) and (self.num_terms is None or _[0] < self.num_terms)] _ = [r] * len(cc) row += _ if self.num_terms is None: _ = csr_matrix((data, (row, col))) self._num_terms = _.shape[1] return _ return csr_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(len(X), self.num_terms))
[docs] def fit(self, X, y): """Train the classifier :param X: inputs - independent variables :type X: lst :param y: output - dependent variable :rtype: instance """ X = self.tonp(X) self.le = preprocessing.LabelEncoder() y = self.le.transform(y) if self.num_terms == 0: return self, y) return self
def decision_function(self, Xnew): Xnew = self.tonp(Xnew) return self.svc.decision_function(Xnew) def predict(self, Xnew): if self.num_terms == 0: return self.le.inverse_transform(np.zeros(len(Xnew), Xnew = self.tonp(Xnew) ynew = self.svc.predict(Xnew) return self.le.inverse_transform(ynew) def predict_text(self, text): y = self.predict([self.model[text]]) return y[0] def fit_file(self, fname, get_tweet='text', get_klass='klass', maxitems=1e100): X, y = read_data_labels(fname, get_klass=get_klass, get_tweet=get_tweet, maxitems=maxitems)[self.model[x] for x in X], y) return self def predict_file(self, fname, get_tweet='text', maxitems=1e100): hy = [self.predict_text(x) for x in read_data(fname, get_tweet=get_tweet, maxitems=maxitems)] return hy @classmethod def predict_kfold(cls, X, y, n_folds=10, seed=0, textModel_params={}, kfolds=None, pool=None, use_tqdm=True): try: from tqdm import tqdm except ImportError: def tqdm(x, **kwargs): return x le = preprocessing.LabelEncoder().fit(y) y = np.array(le.transform(y)) hy = np.zeros(len(y), if kfolds is None: kfolds = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=n_folds, shuffle=True, random_state=seed).split(X, y) args = [(X, y, tr, ts, textModel_params) for tr, ts in kfolds] if pool is not None: if use_tqdm: res = [x for x in tqdm(pool.imap_unordered(cls.train_predict_pool, args), desc='Params', total=len(args))] else: res = [x for x in pool.imap_unordered(cls.train_predict_pool, args)] else: if use_tqdm: args = tqdm(args) res = [cls.train_predict_pool(x) for x in args] for ts, _hy in res: hy[ts] = _hy return le.inverse_transform(hy) @classmethod def train_predict_pool(cls, args): X, y, tr, ts, textModel_params = args params = TextModel.params() textModel_params = {k: v for k, v in textModel_params.items() if k in params} t = TextModel([X[x] for x in tr], **textModel_params) m = cls(t).fit([t[X[x]] for x in tr], [y[x] for x in tr]) return ts, np.array(m.predict([t[X[x]] for x in ts])) @classmethod def predict_kfold_params(cls, fname, n_folds=10, score=None, numprocs=None, seed=0, param_kwargs={}): from b4msa.params import ParameterSelection, Wrapper X, y = read_data_labels(fname) if numprocs is not None: pool = Pool(numprocs) else: pool = None numprocs = 1 if n_folds % numprocs == 0: f = Wrapper(X, y, score, n_folds, cls, pool=pool, seed=seed) pool = None else: f = Wrapper(X, y, score, n_folds, cls, seed=seed) return ParameterSelection().search(f.f, pool=pool, **param_kwargs) @classmethod def fit_from_file(cls, fname, textModel_params={}): D = [x for x in tweet_iterator(fname)] # X, y = read_data_labels(fname) y = [x['klass'] for x in D] model = TextModel(D, **textModel_params) svc = cls(model) return[model[x] for x in D], y)